Managing Inventory: Transitioning and Streamlining Stock Levels in Shopify

Are your customers able to order and receive products with no frustration or hassle? If not, Shopify can help you manage your inventory so that your customers can seamlessly order and receive their products. By improving your inventory management, you can reduce inventory loss, improve bottom line, and protect your assets. Shopify has a built-in inventory management system to help you run your store. With this system, you can keep accurate inventory count, move inventory, and track it throughout multiple warehouses.

The easiest way to enable inventory tracking is by going to the products page and enabling “Track Quantity” under the correct products. You can create purchase orders to better maintain your inventory by going to “Products” > “Purchase Orders” and selecting a supplier and destination. You can include the product’s quantity, SKU, product cost, and applicable tax information.

Shopify’s Inventory Reports Metrics

  • Month-end inventory snapchat
    • Identify amount of remaining product variants.
    • Identify slow-moving products.
    • Make more informed decisions regarding restocking.
  • Average inventory sold per day
    • Identify sales trends and forecast future demand.
  • Percent of inventory sold
    • Learn how much inventory is moving.
    • Learn how quickly a product variant moves.
  • Product sell-through rate
    • Identify product trends and sales performance.